Flossie's Creations

Crafty Creations from Flossie....

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Dolls Quilt for Emma's Babies

I am having a go at making a dolls quilt for Emma's babies. This will be part of her Birthday Present in February as I am giving her my dolls bed that was made by my Grandfather for me when I was 2. It is very precious to me and special but it also is quite sturdy and as she loves babies and mothering them I feel she is old enough to play with the dolls bed and properly and not damage it. The original bed linen and bedspread are all intact just as they are going on 40 years old they need a revamp and spruce up so some new sheets and a pretty girlie colours quilt is just the thing. Here is the WIP the 10 cm squares cut and ironed (remember i hate ironing).
The squares lay out to work out placement. I am also happy to say that I have actually stitched them all now I just need to cut out the backing fabric and wadding for the middle and quilt it. Then I have to make some binding and finish it by binding it. Perhaps tomorrow night some of that will happen. Tonight I am updating blogs.
Still on quilting I am also and call me crazy as I am not really a quilter. I have committed to making 2 quilt blocks that are 12 1/2 inches square and will be joined with other blocks to make quilts for QLD for the flood relief. For full details follow this link. www.retromummy.blogspot.com this amazing lady is organising it.


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